After “MariaDB with Secure Connections.”, my SQL server has Secure Connections. Now I have to add some options to phpMyAdmin and WordPress settings.
Their versions are MariaDB 10.2.9 win 32-bit, phpMyAdmin 4.7.4 and WordPress 4.8.2 on Windows 7 32-bit HE SP1.
Author: o6asan
MariaDB with Secure Connections.
These days, I was working hard about using MariaDB with Secure Connections. First, I did SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_ssl';
and got this:
+---------------+----------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+----------+ | have_ssl | DISABLED | +---------------+----------+
DISABLED means that the server was compiled with TLS support, but was not started with TLS support. So I can use MariaDB with Secure Connections on my server.
Yesterday, I installed Visual Studio Community 2017 for learning Visual C++ with CMake. Why did I decide to learn Visual C++? Because I want to compile Apache Dev version for Microsoft Windows. The page says httpd can be built on Windows using a cmake-based build system. Besides, Visual C++ Team says they can support CMake in Visual Studio 2017 easily and CMake Team does CMake version 3.7 or higher are compatible with Visual Studio 2017. The time is very good. I decided to learn Visual C++ with CMake.
Last night, I found Search Console gave me "Security issues(1)(2)(3)" again, when I logged on its HOME. This was the second times. Last time was on May 9.
Both of them are not by something like malware but by my fault. orz
I found a link that is something like “hxxps://” on the WordPress access log. I went to the page for checking the link. Yes, it was there. But, I couldn’t find such a link from the editor on my WordPress Dashboard. I could see the link “hxxps://”, though.
Fireflies in my garden (2017).
Moving to MariaDB10.2.
Yesterday, くりくりさん told me MariaDB 10.2 became GA by his tweet. So I moved to MariaDB 10.2.6 last night.
About upgrading procedures, there was no troubles. See “Updating to MariaDB 10.0.11” about HowTo.
I updated CF-J10 and NJ2100 to Redstone2.
On May 10, I updated CF-J10 and NJ2100 to Redstone2 manually. ‘manually’ means I accessed Download Windows 10.
You think my NJ2100 did not work anymore.
Yes, it was into that status once. I wrote about it. But the laptop came back to me after I did not give no energy to it for a long long time. If I had cleared the CMOS, I would have been able to use NJ2100 earlier than in reality. Actually, I wasn’t able to reach the on-board battery. Anyway, the NJ2100 works well now.
After updating I had the same troubles with them when I updated to Redstone1, but they are still alive. This is very good for me.
Today, I’ve found Cortana back after Windows Update. Besides, Start Menu is disabled if I kill Cortana, and Colrtana is back if I fix Start Menu malfunction. Umm. I give up against fighting for Cortana at this point.
Last October, I wrote “CHACHA20 Apache official version already supports but Apache Lounge version 2.4.23, which is my server current version, hasn’t yet“. On April 19, Steffen announced Apache 2.4.26-Dev available with Openssl 1.1.0e VC14. So, we can use CHACHA20_POLY1305 in the Windows version Apache now. For enabling the cipher you need to add CHACHA20-POLY1305 things to the SSLCipherSuite of the httpd-ssl.conf and reboot the Apache.
Sometimes, I’ve seen a black kite from the car window while driving. So I always wanted to take its pictures, but I could not do well.
Yesterday I saw a black kite again. The black kite kept flying overhead even if I parked the car and got off. Fortunately I was able to shoot 35 photos, although electric wires were in the direction. I made them to a slide show. How is it?