I noticed I could not access the Internet from my house around 8 am. I checked my environment and found it was my router fault. After my ISP maintenance, it could not reach the Internet properly. The ISP told me this might be occurred, though. I rebooted the router and all works well now.
Author: o6asan
Today, I’ve updated Apache from 2.4.32 to 2.4.33. Now, MSE says all files are clean. What was that alert? Really compromised or not? Anyway, I backed the MSE settings to the default.
This morning Microsoft Security Essentials suddenly told Apache files are Trojan:Win32/Critet.BS and quarantined them, so Apache stopped on my server PC whose OS is Windows7 HE SP1. Although I needed to recover the service immediately, I had to take my mother to a hospital. Therefore the service must have been unavailable for about an hour.
Recently, I needed to merge some mp4 files and srt files. If you only need to merge, it is very easy way you have. That is to use MP4Box. But I needed a hardcord subtitle version this time. I think MP4Box cannot give this type. Am I right? Anyway I couldn’t create a mp4 file with a hardcord subtitle by MP4Box, so I was searching for information and found this out on YouTube. It’s very nice. But, this time I had mp4 files more than twenty and have to set this about each mp4 file if I use VLC GUI. It’s very inconvenient. So I wrote a batch file as below.
For VLC batch file transcode information, see Transcode – VideoLAN Wiki.
My smartphone is SC-02H which is a name of Galaxy S7 edge by docomo. Its OS is Android 7.0 now though it was Android 6.0 when I bought the smartphone. On 2017.Oct.18, docomo announced they would give Android 8.0 to it someday in the future. I do not know when exactly because it is always late that they give a custom OS. But for that, I try to create a full-backup of android7 by adb.exe.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! It is the beginning of a new year.
This is a year of 戌, according to the Oriental Zodiac. 戌’s Kun-reading (訓読み) is ‘inu’.
We call ‘inu’ ‘dog’ in English. A puppy on the image was made by my 94 year old aunt who made this for New Year celebration! The background uses from one of the images of Momijigari(紅葉狩-2017).
I wish you guys Happy New Year.
Gods bless you, guys!
Memorandum #20.
A list of what I did recently.
A redux folder.
This morning, I was surprised with a redux folder whose time stamp is Nov.13 @15:05:11. I found it in WordPress wp-contentuploads folder. Why does the folder exist? Why???
I checked files up on my site and I realized it was not a suspicious folder but given by the plugin AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages.
I felt relieved. Hey, o6asan, you always need to read the ChangeLogs!!
It’s very clear today, so I’ve visited Takasumi jinja(高住神社) for Momijigari(紅葉狩) as usual.

Izayoi (十六夜) 2017
Tonight is Izayoi (十六夜) this year. I took a picture of the Moon again. During the daytime it was cloudy with occasional showers, but at the night the Moon is clear.

Early this morning, I changed Let’s Encrypt Tool from dehydrated to mod_md. On August 17, Steffen announced “mod_md is available for 2.4.27 VC15”. I did nothing about it though I became curious, because I was busy and I already used ‘dehydrated’. But the day before yesterday, I found “ACME Support in Apache HTTP Server Project”. So I decided to use ‘mod_md’ yesterday.