everyday life

Muggy! Am I still in the rainy season?

Update information      Edit(Jul.26)   Edit2(Jul.27)   Edit3(Jul.30)

   Very very sunny, today! Besides very muggy! But still in the rainy season(梅雨) around our area, I mean the northern part of Kyūshū(九州). The #12 typhoon(HALOLA) is approaching Kyūshū.

   The day today is very hot and the fitting weather for Midsummer Day of the Ox(土用の丑の日). I wonder if you know the day when people eat grilled eel(鰻の蒲焼) in Japan though I didn’t have it today.

   I took a picture of a large brown cicada(油蝉). When I see and hear these cicadas, I feel in the middle of the summer season this year. (^o^)/

   At 13:40 today, JMA predicted HALOLA weakened into a tropical depression again around tomorrow afternoon. I wish the forecast right.

   I took another picture of cicadas. They are another popular cicada around my region called クマゼミ, literally “bear cicada”. They are bigger than large brown cicadas.クマゼミ

   Around 21:00 on July 26, the #12 typhoon(HALOLA) weakened to a tropical depression earlier than JMA prediction. After all, we had weak rain and wind by it.

   Yesterday, the end of this rainy season around our area coincided with release of Windows10. Well, just joking (*^_^*).

   In fact, JMA announced the end of the rainy season about the northern part of Kyūshū(九州) and the northern part of Tōhoku(東北) on July 29.

everyday life

I heard Philae woke up…wow amazing!

Update information      Edit(Jun.20)   Edit(Jun.26)

   Do you remember Philae? It was going to sleep last November. Rosetta and Philae teams continued to search for the current location of the lander, and they received the signals 20:28 UTC on 13 June. → Rosetta’s lander Philae wakes up from hibernation

   Wow! amazing! Actually I wondered if it would wake up or not. But a miracle sometimes comes. Good!!

   What will Philae ‘speak’ next? I can’t wait.

   By the way, where is our Hayabusa2 traveling now?

   A new information about Philae, wow! Rosetta and Philae in contact again (Jun.19@13:37 UTC)

   On the article, “We are very happy to have received signals from the lander again, and we are all working hard towards establishing a robust link between Rosetta and Philae,” comments Patrick Martin, ESA Rosetta mission manager.

 They announced “Rosetta mission extended” on June 23. They say, “Rosetta mission will be extended until the end of September 2016, at which point the spacecraft will most likely be landed on the surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.”

everyday life

My KeyPaso has been broken!! (T_T)


   When I turned it on this morning, my KeyPaso didn’t wake up. (T_T)

   It gives me beep suddenly. I have been shattered, so I haven’t check it out yet (sigh).

everyday life

All of them are Tsutsuji (ツツジ).


   Now we have an armful of Spring in my town ha-ha. I took pictures of the flowers all of which are Tsutsuji (ツツジ) and some of them are already dead, but please laugh and forgive them for me (~_^). I saw them around my neighborhood. I’ll show you them though my photo skill isn’t so good. How about them?

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everyday life

Today’s bird – 3 photos & a video of Hakusekirei.


   It’s very windy today. Besides, raining but spring rain, indeed. It’s warm.

   I took pictures of Hakusekirei (M. a. lugens). They are very active in spite of rain and wind. Cute!!

Hakusekirei#1 Hakusekirei#2 Hakusekirei#3 Hakusekirei#4
everyday life

桃の節句 (peach festival) passing.


   The ume (梅) blossoms are still in full bloom in my garden (fig.1 white, fig.2 red), but I can see peach and apricot blossoms here and there in my town after 桃の節句 (peach festival) (fig.3 ひな飾り by Tirol-Choco, it’s a chocolate box (^o^). ).

fig.1 white
fig.1 white
fig.2 red
fig.2 red
fig.3 ひな飾り
fig.3 ひな飾り

   All told, I wanted to recite one of spring poems and chose 春風 (Spring wind) by 白居易(樂天). How do you feel?

亦 薺 櫻 一
道 花 杏 枝
春 楡 桃 先
風 莢 梨 發
爲 深 次 苑
我 村 第 中
來 裏 開 梅

  • Rough translation of the poem
    Spring wind makes one of the buds on a branch of Ume tree break in the imperial garden
    Cherry, apricot, peach and pear following
    It opens shepherd’s purse flowers and rustles shells of elm fruits in my village nearby mountains
    It makes me happy because I also have the spring wind

   If you read the poem, read top to bottom and right to left.

everyday life

Smoke signals.


   I got an e-mail from Delonix on March 1st. Its subject is ‘Smoke signals’, he-he. He wrote “every time I try to go to your blog it shows this message: Forbidden You don’t have permission to access / on this server. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.“. This is 403 Forbidden default message.

   I asked him to create a topic on o6asan’s BBS. And then I checked up my access-denied.conf file. I control the accesses by the conf file. Of course you can do it by .htaccess files and I think it is more common method. Anyway I found his current IP address and removed it. Now he can access my site.

403 Forbidden   Delonix and I sometimes exchange e-mails, so we know our email addresses each other. But for not close visitors I think I need to customize 403 Forbidden message. So I made a 403.html file. You see its text on the right image.

   For 403 ErrorDocument I need to add the following lines, shown in bold, to the access-denied.conf file and to reboot my Apache httpd.
<Directory “G:/WEB”>   <<— G:/WEB is my document root.
Require all granted
Require not ip
Require not ip yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy/yy
<Files “403.html”>
Require all granted


   That’s it!!

everyday life

Happy New Year!

おめでとう!   Happy New Year! It is the beginning of a new year.

   This is a year of Hitsuji, according to the Oriental Zodiac.

   We call ‘hitsuji’ ‘sheep’ in English. The illustration of this greeting card uses Hiragana “ひつじ” and the illustrator pulls the Hiragana into a real sheep shape. Can you see it? My guess tells it’s funny and cool v(^o^)v.

   I wish you guys Happy New Year.

   Gods bless you, guys!

everyday life

Yesterday Hayabusa 2 successfully launched!!


   Yesterday Hayabusa 2 successfully launched, wow!! At that time, I spent hours watching the live streaming on YouTube. What were you doing?

   You can watch the video on YouTube easily. “Asteroid Explorer ‘Hayabusa2’ Launch Live Broadcast”

   His return is scheduled in 2020. What a long journey!! The place where he would return is in Australia as same as his brother Hayabusa’s. I pray for peace. We have to protect the world peace, or, we could not recover its capsule if we have the war between Australia and Japan or WW III when his return. I think the peaceful uses of space require the peaceful world. But, the world… I hope that is my imaginary fears, though.

everyday life

I bought this!! (^^;)


Buffalo Classic USB Gamepad for PC
Buffalo Classic USB Gamepad for PC
   I bought this!! What is this? See the right advertisement. \(^o^)/.
   Last week, my very old gamepad was broken. I couldn’t find such old models at stores near my house, so I was googling on the Internet and found it out. Its vender is Buffalo but it looks remarkably like the SNES/Super Famicom gamepad by Nintendo.
   I ordered it at around 9pm on last Saturday and had it 3pm on last Sunday. is quick about their work and the delivery service company was Kuroneko at this time.
   The gamepad works well. I give two thumbs-up to it, he-he.