everyday life

Rhododendrons of the mountain (2014).


   Yesterday, very sunny. I went and saw blooming rhododendrons (シャクナゲ) to the mountain again. The garden is named Hikosan Kaen (英彦山花園).

   I found the blooming rhododendrons and others in and out of the garden. Beautiful!! I also saw a skink – it’s a Japanese five-lined skink(ニホントカゲ). Don’t you think it’s so cute? Is the person like me who thinks it’s cute strange? He-he. I also visited Hōheiden (奉幣殿) and got Omikuji (お御籤) as usual.

   I’ll show you some photos I took yesterday.

Fig.1 Rhododendrons and Kerrias
Fig.1 Rhododendrons and Kerrias
Fig.2 Rhododendrons
Fig.2 Rhododendrons
Fig.3 A carpenter bee on duty
Fig.3 A carpenter bee on duty
Fig.4 Primulas
Fig.4 Primulas
Fig.5 Spring color of leaves
Fig.5 Spring color of leaves
Fig.6 Camellia
Fig.6 Camellia
Fig.7 Double-flowered cherry blossoms
Fig.7 Double-flowered cherry blossoms
Fig.8 Japanese five-lined skink
Fig.8 Japanese five-lined skink
Fig.9 Mulan magnolia
Fig.9 Mulan magnolia
Fig.10 San no torii
Fig.10 San no torii
Fig.11 Spring color of leaves in the mountains
Fig.11 Spring color of leaves in the mountains
Fig.12 Dōdan tsutsuji
Fig.12 Dōdan tsutsuji
everyday life

Hazakura(葉桜) completely.


Hazakura (葉桜)
Hazakura (葉桜)
   On Mar.26, I wrote “The declaration of flowering(開花宣言)”. Now, it’s Hazakura(葉桜) completely. What is Hazakura(葉桜)? See the right image. 葉 means a leaf/leaves. 桜 means (a) cherry tree/trees. One of the most popular species of cherry tree in Japan is SomeiYoshino(染井吉野) which has blossoms first, after that its leaves grow. So we first see the blossoms only, and when we find the leaves the trees are all fresh green. We call the scenery Hazakura(葉桜).
   By the way, I’ll show you other photos of my garden flowers and fruits in the table.

Fig.1 Rhododendron yedoense
Fig.1 Rhododendron yedoense
Fig.2 Rhododendron yedoense
Fig.2 Rhododendron yedoense
Fig.3 Rhododendron obtusum
Fig.3 Rhododendron obtusum
Fig.4 Ixia
Fig.4 Ixia
Fig.5 Iris ?
Fig.5 Iris ?
Fig.6 Papaver rhoeas
Fig.6 Papaver rhoeas
Fig.7 Muscari
Fig.7 Muscari
Fig.8 Summer Snowflake
Fig.8 Summer Snowflake
Fig.9 Iris japonica
Fig.9 Iris japonica
Fig.10 Aquilegia vulgaris
Fig.10 Aquilegia vulgaris
Fig.11 Anzu(杏)
Fig.11 Anzu(杏)
Fig.12 Ume(梅)
Fig.12 Ume(梅)

WordPress 3.9 named “Smith” is available but waiting Japanese version.

Update information      Edit    Edit2(Jun.22)

   WordPress 3.9 named “Smith” is available but waiting Japanese version. How about you, guys?
   I upgraded to WordPress 3.9-ja at 20:19. I still have the same issue when I updated to 3.8.3. The issue is that Warning! Problem updating https://SITENAME. Your server may not be able to connect to sites running on it. Error message: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure. Why does it happen???
   Here are the information pages about WordPress 3.9. Codex, Blog, Changelog.

   I wrote an article The solution of “SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure” on WordPress.


A subsequent update: WordPress 3.8.3

Update information      Edit    Edit(Jun.22)

   A few days earlier, I wrote “I think Automatic Background Updates for minor updates are no problem.” in my reply to one of the Japanese blog visitors. But it might have a problem if the Update has files related with localizations like 3.8.3.

   This update includes the following Revised Files.


   Actually, the file version.php has the $wp_local_package as its last line if you installed a localized WordPress. Some troubles might happen if the line is deleted by the Automatic Update. If you installed the localized WordPress and had the Automatic Update of 3.8.3, you’d better add the line $wp_local_package = ‘your_localize_code’ to your version.php’s last line.

   By the way, in spite of using Oiram’s workaround, I had Warning! Problem updating https://SITENAME. Your server may not be able to connect to sites running on it. again. The error code is Error message: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure. This is different from the previous one. I couldn’t find how to solve it still now. The same site has the error again. Why does it happen?

   My talk on this post is repugnant to “WordPress 3.8.2 has come in this morning.”. The version.php of 3.8.2 had no $wp_local_package = ‘your_localize_code’ but gave no problem. Ummm.

   I wrote an article The solution of “SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure” on WordPress.


Upgrading from MariaDB 5.5 to 10 on Windows.

Update information      Edit(Jun.30)

   Now we have the first stable version of MariaDB 10.0 Series which was released on Mar 31. Today, I’ve upgraded from MariaDB 5.5 to 10 on Windows7HP+SP1(x86). Though this is not an update but an upgrade, the procedures are nothing different from the last update.

   First, I backed up all the sever data. Especially, MariaDB and MyDB.

   Next, I upgraded to MariaDB 10.0.10.

  1. Downloaded
  2. Extracted the Zip archive.
  3. Control Panel >> Administrative tools >> Services
    Select the MyDB service name and stop.
  4. Delete all contents in the MariaDB folder. Install the four folders named bin, include, lib and share and license files to the folder.
  5. Control Panel >> Administrative tools >> Services
    Select the MyDB service name and start.

   That’s it.

   I forgot to write. After upgrading, you have the error message “Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.” on the error log, so you need “mysql_upgrade“.


WordPress 3.8.2 has come in this morning.

Update information      Edit(Apr.15)

   WordPress 3.8.2 has come in this morning.

   Of course, I actualy found it when I logged in my admin panel in the morning he-he. Last night I re-created the SSL things and re-patched Oiram’s workaround to the ca-bundle.crt, so I slightly worry about the update of WordPress, but I have no problem at this time. Happy!

   My talk on this post is repugnant to “A subsequent update: WordPress 3.8.3”. The version.php had no $wp_local_package = ‘your_localize_code’ but gave no problem. Ummm.


Updating Apache because of CVE-2014-0160.

Update information      Edit(May.13)

   I updated my Apache 2.4.9 to 2014 Apr 8 version because of CVE-2014-0160.

   It is built with ‘IPv6 Crypto apr-1.5.0 apr-util-1.5.3 apr-iconv-1.2.1 openssl-1.0.1g zlib-1.2.8 pcre-8.34 libxml2-2.9.1 lua-5.1.5 expat-2.1.0′. Its Changelog.

   I really appreciate Steffen’s hard and quick work. Thanks again, Steffen.

   This vulnerability also has effects on everyday life as I’ve worried about. Some OS of smartphones might have the vulnerability. I’ve found the list out. ⇒ The list of Android phones vulnerable to Heartbleed bug

   And you can check your smartphone OS about the vulnerability by the Heartbleed Detector App.

   I add three sites about Heartbleed detector you can access by a PC.
     Heartbleed test
     heartbleed test
     Trend Micro Heartbleed Detector (does not exist anymore.)

everyday life

The video card broke on the KeyPaso.


Fig.01 Radeon 9200 SE
Fig.01 Radeon 9200 SE
   Continued from “FUJITSU 30 pin display connector —>> DVI-D.”.
   In the early morning on Mar. 14, my mission complete and very very glad, then I watched a lot of videos on my KeyPaso with the FUJITSU 30 pin display. Two days later, i.e. on Mar.16, I heard a strange sound from the KeyPaso when I watched a video and suddenly got bad pictures on the display. What happened? (≧o≦)
   Finally I found out the video card broke. 。゚・(≧o≦)・゚。 。゚・(≧o≦)・゚。
   I talked to FHさん on his BBS again. This time juneさん also helped me. The two, from the outset, said the top of the capacitors slightly expanded when they saw the photo(Fig.01). But I didn’t agree with them because of my newbie idiot head (^_^;). That made me go a long way round. Grrrrr.
   My first act was to get a GX-6200 at the Yahoo Auction. It was on Mar.18 and I had the GX-6200 on Mar. 22.

   While I waited the GX-6200, I found my video card had no heatsink. The GX-6200 has a full-sized heatsink, so I thought I had to remove the heatsink from the new card if I had it at that time. But after having the GX-6200 and talking about it on the FHさん’s BBS, I realized the problem was not only the heatsink. The KeyPaso chassis is very small. Though I removed the heatsink from the GX-6200, the capacitors and other things had still stuck and I was not able to close the KeyPaso chassis. I think my old Radeon 9200 SE PCI is an OEM product for KeyPaso. Because the Radeon 9200 SE PCI cards without a heatsink I found on the Internet do not look to be loadable to the KeyPaso.

   FHさん suggested to me that I removed the capacitors and other things and re-installed them to the other side of the video card. But I hesitated because I had no confidence about my skill. With my hesitation I surfed the Internet and saw a lot of capacitor images, and then I suddenly understood FHさん and juneさん were correct about the capacitor expansion. Hereon it was also clear for me. So, I began to think about the replacement of the three capacitors on the old video card. The three capacitors were all 1000μF, 6.3V.

Fig.02 Replaced capacitors
Fig.02 Replaced capacitors
   Before trying FHさん’s suggestion, I wanted to replace the capacitors on the Radeon 9200 SE PCI. Because this work became a practice for me even if I failed it. But there was a big problem. I could not find real stores which sold capacitors near my residence. Oops!! It was already late at night when I thought of a way to get capacitors. I pulled out the old broken FMVH70K7V from the closet, and took it apart. I found capacitors I needed there and replaced them. After this, I re-installed the old Radeon 9200 SE PCI to the KeyPaso and checked it out. It worked well. Wow!!
Fig.03 Damaged capacitors
Fig.03 Damaged capacitors

   By the way, the old capacitors were very damaged(Fig.03).
Fug.04 My original heatsink
Fug.04 My original heatsink
   Another problem still remained, it was the heatsink. Originally, the old Radeon 9200 SE PCI had no heatsink. But it is needed. Or my KeyPaso will have the same trouble sometime soon. However I could not use normal heatsinks I have for it because all of them got stuck in the KeyPaso chassis. FHさん suggested to me that I made an original heatsink of an aluminum sheet. I got an aluminum sheet sized 300 x 100 x 1.5mm and shaped a heatsink like the Fig.04. Very cluuuuuuuuuuumsy ha-ha-ha.
Fig.05 Before and after
Fig.05 Before and after

   I installed this heatsink with thermal compound and double-sided tape as spacers on the Radeon 9200 SE. Here is a data sheet before and after(Fig.05). I don’t know this data is correct or not because the software told different results each time when I checked them out.
   We used the software on other PCs. After that, juneさん told me that he thought the software (HWMonitor) could not differentiate sensors though it could recognize them. But we don’t think the measured values have no relation with the real values (^_^;). If the KeyPaso is a desktop PC, I can feel its temperatures with my hand directly, but in this case couldn’t. So, I gave up about this. juneさん was kind enough to give me simple heatsinks, so I installed them on the Radeon 9200 SE(Fig.06).
Fig.06 Simple heatsinks
Fig.06 Simple heatsinks

   The KeyPaso chassis is very small, so I worried about its airflow. I removed the hole cover, the hole exists the left side of the KeyPaso for installing a CD device instead of a PCI Expansion Card. Also, I am slightly anxious about dust though. That is just to console myself (^_^;).
   By the way, here is the reprint(Japanese) of a part of FHさん’s BBS again, which appears his courtesy.
   Anyway, mission complete. Is it OK I believe it? Well, the KeyPaso works well now.
   Come to think of it, how do I use GX-6200?


Updating to PHP5.5.11.


   They released PHP5.5.11 on Apr-03 06:21:19UTC.

   According to ChangeLog, this includes the fix for CVE-2013-7345.

   The php.ini-production has nothing changed. As the official PHP binary includes php5apache2_4.dll, I extract the zip archive and replace all PHP5.5.10 files with all PHP5.5.11 files except my php.ini. Then, I restart my Apache. That’s it.

   If you need how to configure PHP5.5, please see the post. It is for a mbstrings user, but the information gives some help for you.