
Moving “o6asan’s BBS”.-#2

I made a box, so I prepare the contents.

Theme and Plugins.

The theme is the WordPress official, Twenty Twenty-One, I took. I did “NetWork Enable”. When it isn’t customized, it is very very simple look.

The plugins I put in before preparing the contents are as follows. Akismet is already in. I initially set the following four to “NetWork Enable”, but in the end, I enabled them for each site. Because I decided to merge my old Perl posts to this WordPress.

  1. bbPress
  2. bbPress Notify (No-Spam) It’s new for me. I used bbPress Notification before.
  3. GD bbPress Attachments
  4. Content Aware Sidebars

Database export and import.

Access the old MySQL with phpMyAdmin (from a browser’s URL bar) and export 8tables, commentmeta, comments, postmeta, posts, termmeta, terms, term_relationships and term_taxonomy for each site. This is for each site, so 16 tables in this case.

Replace the following two URLs in the exported files. → →

Replace the following to change the engine from MyISAM to InnoDB.


Replace character set from utf8 to utf8mb4 and collation from default to utf8mb4_unicode_ci. Well, around here, I just wondered if utf8mb4_unicode_ci is good or utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci is good for the Japanese blog.

DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 → DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci

Access the new database with phpMyAdmin in the server administration tool, drop 16 destination tables, and import the old files I customized earlier.

A work after importing.

Both Japanese and English sites,
Go to “Settings” >> “Reading” to set the front page.
Go to “Appearance” >> “Menu” and set the imported menu as the primary menu.

I had trouble with the plugin Content Aware Sidebars.

Twenty Twenty-One doesn’t have a default sidebar. Originally I used a theme with a sidebar, so right after I imported the database, the old sidebar I looked there. After all, I decided to display the original sidebar items in the footer, but I had trouble with the work because the interface of Content Aware Sidebars had been very changed.

I forgot about media files.

Upload the saved images etc. to the wp-content/uploads using WebFTP of the server management tool. Nowadays, WordPress default has each date directory for files, but the olders haven’t had such directories, so leave it as it is.

For uploading images on the sites.

I used GD bbPress Attachments before, because bbPress doesn’t have an image attachment function. Now I use again. I customize the two filters in gd-bbpress-attachments/code/class.php as follows so that visitors can use them without registering as a user.

return apply_filters('d4p_bbpressattchment_is_user_allowed', $allowed);
return apply_filters('d4p_bbpressattchment_is_user_allowed', true);

return apply_filters('d4p_bbpressattchment_is_hidden_from_visitors', $value == 1);
return apply_filters('d4p_bbpressattchment_is_hidden_from_visitors', false);

I do the same for my old Perl posts.

Note that when I downloaded the media files, I pulled them with Internet Explorer. I don’t know why but I couldn’t connect to the directory with the newest FileZilla. Security reason or something? IE I used is a new one on Windows10.

Publishing the sites and setting Redirect permanent for the root .htaccess of the old sites.

Redirect permanent /enforum/
Redirect permanent /

By the way, at 『フリー WP』 I can access the wp-content folder only. I cannot use a .htaccess nor HTML meta tag neither. So I announced my moving on each old Perl post. Hehe.

That’s it. 😊



A redux folder.


   This morning, I was surprised with a redux folder whose time stamp is Nov.13 @15:05:11. I found it in WordPress wp-contentuploads folder. Why does the folder exist? Why???
   I checked files up on my site and I realized it was not a suspicious folder but given by the plugin AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages.
   I felt relieved. Hey, o6asan, you always need to read the ChangeLogs!!


Grrr, I forgot to write A dot on the .htaccess file.


   In my town, we will have a firefly season around the next two or three weeks again. So I checked my blog when I wrote about fireflies last year and found I wasn’t able to see the video on the article. What happened?

   I changed the tags in the article from <object> to <video> and I became to see the video. But after that I found more problems. All flv video files on my blog weren’t loaded. Why?

   I suspect BPS of the flv file problem, he-he. On the .htaccess file, as expected, I found I forgot to write A dot. At the line I need flvplayer.swf, but I wrote flvplayerswf. Oof!

   Now all flv video files on my blog are loaded. Ha-ha.


To create a BBS by the WordPress plugin bbPress.

Update information      Edit(Aug.16)    Edit2(Nov.4)    Edit3(2016.Feb.27)

   Since I unified my site CMSes to WordPress, I’ve troubled how I create my BBSes on the both sites of Japanese and English.
   What I want my BBSes is two things, one is the normal BBS features of course and the other is a communication board for some troubles on my home server, for example 403 forbidden, 503 Service Unavailable, etc. Hence the BBSes must exist on other servers than my home server.

   On the English site I first used the comment feature of the single WordPress page for this purpose. It didn’t meet both of my requirements. But, I’ve had few people write comments on it so I’ve left it be.
   On the Japanese site I fist created the BBS by a free Perl scripts named ‘Joyful Note‘. It met both of my requirements, but after I transferred my domain on this February new hosting service brings me no Perl cgi service. So I stopped using Joyful Note, and created a new BBS by PukiWiki. Though this PukiWiki board exists on the other server than my home server, its features as a BBS are very poor.

   About ten days earlier, an inspiration hit me. “I just make a BBS like Forums.” I looked into the site HTML source codes, and then I found the word bbPress. Now, I’ve created my BBSes by bbPress on WebCrow which is a free web hosting service of my registrar.

   By the way, you can find tons of information about bbPress form the old to the new. You shouldn’t refer to the old. bbPress is in progress still now and I think its progress’s been very fast. Now, bbPress becomes one of the normal WordPress plugins, so at its installation you need only a WordPress plugin installation.

   My customization to bbPress is the following things only.

  • On some situations, the color of letters are too light than I can read them. So, I change #ccc & #bbb to # 333 on three places in bbpress/templates/default/css/bbpress.css.

         #bbpress-forums .status-closed,
         #bbpress-forums .status-closed a {
             color: #ccc;
         .bbp-forum-header a.bbp-forum-permalink,
         .bbp-topic-header a.bbp-topic-permalink,
         .bbp-reply-header a.bbp-reply-permalink {
             color: #ccc;
         span.bbp-admin-links a {
             color: #bbb;

   bbPress has no image uploading feature, so I install GD bbPress Attachments. And I customize the following two filters due to convenience for anonymous users.

  • They exist in gd-bbpress-attachments/code/attachments/class.php.
     return apply_filters('d4p_bbpressattchment_is_user_allowed', $allowed);
     return apply_filters('d4p_bbpressattchment_is_user_allowed', true);
     return apply_filters('d4p_bbpressattchment_is_hidden_from_visitors', $value == 1);
     return apply_filters('d4p_bbpressattchment_is_hidden_from_visitors', false);

   I still have a problem about these two plugins. They have no ENTIRE Japanese language files and I couldn’t find them anywhere. I only translated the visible part for visitors. But, their pot flies include a lot of words, especially bbPress, so my work doesn’t meet the unveiling schedule of BBSes (;´o`).

   By the way, I added six Japanese characters (案内サピプッ) to Untitled1_sub.woff. Well, we can use FontForge on Windows easily, clap clap. At this time, WOFFコンバータ didn’t work well though I don’t know about the reason, so I used ttf to woff converter to renew the Untitled1_sub.woff.

   I move all comments on old BBSes to new ones.

  • Note: bbPress has the time when a user modified a comment (_bbp_last_active_time) on each topic and shows it as a post date. I cannot rewrite them from WordPress Admin Panel, and it is a little bit trouble for old comments. So, I rewrote them as MySQL data.

   Mission complete!! Here new BBSes are. Please feel free to use. m(_”_)m

   I found It’s cool. I have to get involved!

   If your BBS needs more customization, bbPress Shortcodes might help you. Here is Shortcodes Codex.

   Recently, some language files for bbPress, for example Japanese, are automatically downloaded from Translating WordPress. So you don’t need po nor mo files in the plugin language folder. I don’t remember this feature began to work from when. But it works well now. My WordPress is 4.4.2 and bbPress is 2.5.8 at this point.


Enabled Opcache.


   On Dec. 24th, I enabled Opcache on my server (Windows7HP + SP1 (x86)).

   Since installing “BulletProof Security“, it gave me a few trouble. On the other hand, it also brought me some useful information about PHP. For example, I saw its System Information page and changed values in my php.ini like the below. It’s for the security reason.

Default Custom
output_buffering = 4096 output_buffering = Off
expose_php = On expose_php = Off
mysql.allow_persistent = On mysql.allow_persistent = Off

   The other day, I found the words “Opcode Cache” on the page. It reminded me of OPcache bundled with PHP5.5. Then I tried to enable it on my server.

   I changed some settings in my php.ini.

   First, I added the line “zend_extension=php_opcache.dll” to the end of Windows Extensions and changed the next six lines by following this page instructions. I can find better values for my server someday, but now, to follow the page instructions is better for me who is a very newbie of Opcache.

Default Custom
;opcache.enable=0 opcache.enable=1
;opcache.memory_consumption=64 opcache.memory_consumption=128
;opcache.interned_strings_buffer=4 opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8
;opcache.max_accelerated_files=2000 opcache.max_accelerated_files=4000
;opcache.revalidate_freq=2 opcache.revalidate_freq=60
;opcache.fast_shutdown=0 opcache.fast_shutdown=1



   I don’t use the CLI version of PHP, so I left “;opcache.enable_cli=0”.

   On Apache benchmarks of before and after. ApacheBench
   This benches show some improvements. But, with my feelings I realized more than the benches on the home network. I think Opcache brought major effects to my sites because most of them depend on PHP scripts, i.e. WordPress.

   I had heard about APC Control Panel, so I looked for a Control Panel of Opcache and found. You can control Opcache from a Web browser by Opcache Control Panel, ocp.php. It requires the php function ‘phpinfo’, so you had better make an access control for this file.


About Jetpack trouble.


   After moving to MariaDB, Jetpack suddenly gave me an error. I was not to able to connect my stats on from my parent site dashboard. As I could not solve this by myself, I went to Jetpack Support Forum and started the topic “Jetpack: site_inaccessible“. Three days later, I went to Japanese Forum and started “ルートサイトと昔のテストサイトのコンフリクト。” because I realized these two forums were complete different groups. But I was wrong. They belong to the same party. However, I did a multi-post because my writing was not enough (^_^;). Anyway, I had some suggestions from both of them.

  1. Jeremy Herve told me to use define( 'JETPACK_CLIENT__HTTPS', 'NEVER' );. But it did not work.
  2. Richard Archambault suggested me the issue might be related with SSL and told me to check my SITE_URL up. But, my SITE_URL was that meant no problem.
  3. naokomc told me at Stats Page it looked the owner had no dibs on the site when he could not connect to So, I thought again it might be related with SSL that Richard told me.
  4. Then, I tried connecting after commenting define( 'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true ); out. That worked, wow!!

   I got that the authorization might fail with define( 'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true ); on some conditions.

   After the connection to, I rolled define( 'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true ); back. It is O.K. after the Authorization even if define( 'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true ); is uncommented.

   I have never resolved in my mind why this suddenly happened. But, the issue solved.


Snow falling on my blog, again.


   On 28th, we had our first snow in my town, and my blog has snow falling from today (^o^). Last year, it began from 28th of December though, I let it from 1st of December this year. I think the date or the time depend on the server timezone, so you might see the snow even if you are still on the last day of November your local time. Please accept it (^_^;).

   This is one of Jetpack plugin features, and I think the original script is Snowstorm by Scott Schiller.


A WordPress Plugin “BulletProof Security”.

Update information      Edit(Dec.2)~~Edit4(2014.Jul.14)    Edit5(Jul.16)

   I installed the Plugin “BulletProof Security” for my WordPress security. It’s easy to install. But there is something you should consider in activating if you also use it.

  1. Though it is Network / Multisite Compatible, you should NOT make it Network Activated. Network Deactivate BulletProof Security and then activate BulletProof Security on your Primary site ONLY.
  2. BulletProof Security uses .htaccess files, so you should back up the otiginal files in your WordPress Root and wp-admin folders before its activating.
  3. BulletProof Security uses .htaccess files, so it depends on your server configuration if you can use it or not. In my case, I had an error, so I added Options=Indexes to my AllowOverride Directive in the <Directory> section of the httpd.conf.

   By the way, I found BulletProof Security introduced Sucuri SiteCheck Scanner on one of its pages. So I tried to scan my WordPress sites. On the sites, no threats were found, though they say “Sucuri SiteCheck is a free & remote scanner. Although we do our best to provide the best results, 100% accuracy is not realistic, and not guaranteed”.

   The plugin ‘Broken Link Checker’ gave me the message below:

   Broken Link Checker has detected 1 new broken link on your site.
   Here’s a list of the new broken links:
   Link text : Asus ,HCL X51C (T12C) Motherboard schematic
   Link URL :
   Source : ノートをWin8 Proにアップグレード。
   You can see all broken links here: http://My WP dashboard tool URL

   Why suddenly? This PDF file I uploaded on Oct.16 and have not made any changes to it. I got another message when I accessed the PDF by a browser. Like this: 403 Forbidden Error Page
   If you arrived here due to a search or clicking on a link click your Browser’s back button
   to return to the previous page. Thank you.

   I found out this message by the ‘BulletProof Security’ and also found ‘BulletProof Security’ not to allow accessing the file which has ( or ) in its filename. So, I changed from Asus_HCL_X51C_(T12C).pdf to Asus_HCL_X51C-T12C.pdf. Now I don’t have the errors. that’

   I got an update to version .49.7 today, and we can use “Network Activate” on Network / Multisite now, I just wrote that we were unable to use it though. Of course you can also use it by your old configuration.
   By the way, I’ll write an addition to Edit(Dec.2). BPS does not allow accessing the file which has a space in its file name, either.

   Lately, I edit this page everyday (^_^;). This time, Mr.’BulletProof Security’ blocked my flash movies. When I accessed 高住神社-video1, I got the you-know-message “Movie not loaded”. I directed a doubtful look at the Adobe Flash Player because this phenomenon is usually occurred by the player. But, it is not guilty this time-HaHa.
   I found out this as a solution. Flash swf 403 error – Flash slideshow blocked
   I added the next bold italic letters to the root .htaccess file. That’s it.
   RewriteRule .* index.php [F,L]
   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (flvplayer.swf|timthumb.php|~~|thumbs.php) [NC]

   Recently, I had a lot of 500 Internal Server Error errors on my server log. First, it looked like related to the font-face decoration. But, I finally found that the .htaccesses of BPS gave them when a URI has a ? at its end. I went to the WordPress Japanese forum and the BulletProof Security Free forum. I got the solution from them. Now, the errors have gone. Happy!!

   If you need more information, please see the following topics.
   font-face 500 Internal Server Errors

   I had a lot of 403 Forbidden Errors related to my own site on my http_error_log.txt because of the plugin Broken Link Checker uses Head Method. I’ve known the Broken Link Checker uses Head Method since 2012.Dec.29. But I want to use these two plugins, so, I’ve accepted the situation because I don’t know how I can fix it.

   However, when I checked the .htaccess up for this 500 Internal Server Error, I found the following sentences. Wow!!
# This filter is for blocking junk bots and spam bots from making a HEAD request, but may also
# block some HEAD request from bots that you want to allow in certain cases. This is not a
# security filter and is just a nuisance filter. This filter will not block any important bots
# like the google bot. If you want to allow all bots to make a HEAD request then remove HEAD
# from the Request Method filter.
# The TRACE, DELETE, TRACK and DEBUG request methods should never be allowed against
# your website.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [F,L]

   This means I can remove HEAD from it? Immediately I removed HEAD from the .htaccess in my root folder. The .htaccess in my wp-admin folder I leave the default, because the Broken Link Checker doesn’t access to the wp-admin folder.

   It works very well as I expected (*´▽`*).


Akismet API outage.


   When I got home and checked my WordPress comments, the Akismet gave me an error message which surprised me very much. I had a fit and looked for solutions on the Internet, but shortly after the Akismet worked normally again before I did something. According to Akismet blog, it was API outage – November 28th. So, today’s error was not my fault but Akismet’s. What a relief! Hey, Akismet! Don’t scare me!!

   By the way, this late morning, we had our first snow in my town, though it let up soon. Wow.


Memorandum #4.


   How to create from the mo file to the po file on Windows OS.

  1. Install Poedit.
  2. Run cmd.exe
    >cd (Poedit bin Path)
    >msgunfmt -o (po file) (mo file)   —>See Command Line Help.
  3. That’s it. I have the po file. Happy.

   I stopped using the three plugins because they haven’t been updated in over 2 years.

  • Similar Posts
  • Post-Plugin Library
  • Picbox

   I started using the next plugins instead of the three plugins above.