
phpMyAdmin 4.1.0 is released.


   phpMyAdmin 4.1.0 is released. They say “With this release the minimum supported PHP version is now 5.3 and the minimum MySQL version is 5.5”. It has a ton of information in the ChangeLog. So I updated.

   I downloaded a, extracted it, copied my old to the phpmyadmin folder made by extracting, and uploaded all of them to the server (See “To create a Wamp-like Web Server in Windows7-#3.“).

   By the way, when I compared the new with my old one, I found some additional lines in it. Like this:
    At /* User used to manipulate with storage */ area
     // $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘controlport’] = ”;

    At /* Storage database and tables */ area
     // $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘users’] = ‘pma__users’;
     // $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘usergroups’] = ‘pma__usergroups’;
     // $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘navigationhiding’] = ‘pma__navigationhiding’;

    At the last area above the doc/ folder information
      * Should error reporting be enabled for JavaScript errors
      * default = ‘ask’
     //$cfg[‘SendErrorReports’] = ‘ask’;

   So, when I logged on the new phphmyadmin at the first time, I got “The phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not completely configured, some extended features have been deactivated. To find out why click here.”.

   By a clicking, I got the next three alerts.

     $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘users’] … not OK [ Documentation ]
     $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘usergroups’] … not OK [ Documentation ]
     Configurable menus: Disabled

     $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘navigationhiding’] … not OK [ Documentation ]
     Hide/show navigation items: Disabled

   I had instructions, too.

     Quick steps to setup advanced features:

     Create the needed tables with the examples/create_tables.sql.
     Create a pma user and give access to these tables.
     Enable advanced features in configuration file (, for example by starting from
     Re-login to phpMyAdmin to load the updated configuration file.

   To create the tables with the examples/create_tables.sql or by your hand, it is your choice. Further information about this, see “Configuration storage“. As I already had the pma user, I created the tables manually. Then, I added new additional lines above to my, and removed “//” from the head of the next lines.
     $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘users’] = ‘pma__users’;
     $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘usergroups’] = ‘pma__usergroups’;
     $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘navigationhiding’] = ‘pma__navigationhiding’;

   I re-logined to phpMyAdmin to load the updated configuration file. Mission complete.


Updating to Apache 2.4.7.


   Apache HTTP Server 2.4.7 was released, and I think I found something good on Steffen’s post Apache 2.4.7 available.

   I downloaded (22 Nov) from the ApacheLounge for My Windows7 server. If you need the information about Apache 2.4.x configuration on Windows, see my post ‘To create a Wamp-like Web Server in Windows7-#1.‘.


Apache: Use mod_deflate.


   Yesterday, I changed several settings in Apache conf file.

   Open the httpd.conf.

  1. Uncomment the line to use the module mod_deflate for HTTP compression.
          LoadModule deflate_module modules/
  2. Uncomment the line to use the directive AddOutputFilterByType
          LoadModule filter_module modules/
  3. Uncomment the line to use the directive Header
          LoadModule headers_module modules/
  4. Uncomment the line to use the module mod_expires.
          LoadModule expires_module modules/

   Add the next lines to the httpd.conf. About this, I have something not to understand, though.
      # Enables generation of Expires headers
      ExpiresActive On
      # expire images and some applications after a month in the client’s cache
      ExpiresByType image/gif A2592000
      ExpiresByType image/jpeg A2592000
      ExpiresByType image/png A2592000
      ExpiresByType text/javascript A2592000
      ExpiresByType text/css A2592000
      ExpiresByType application/javascript A2592000
      ExpiresByType application/x-font-woff A2592000
      # HTML documents are good for a week from the time they were changed
      ExpiresByType text/html M604800
      ExpiresByType text/plain M604800
      ExpiresByType text/xml M604800
      # Enabling Compression
      AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/javascript text/css application/javascript
      BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
      BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4.0[678] no-gzip
      BrowserMatch bMSIEs(7|8) !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
      # Make sure proxies don’t deliver the wrong content
      SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI .(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$ dont-vary
      Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary


Cleaning of the laptop (LC5505D).

   I cleaned the laptop inside (LC5505D).
   This PC is an NEC product and my previous server machine. I use it as a temporary server. Yes, temporary, but the fact that I used it from 2012.Apr.14 to 2013.Aug.01 (he-he). Now, I use this PC instead of an old Elite II Elite-4 (a cybernet product called Keyboard PC) in my living room. Recently, I heard uncomfortable fun noise from it. So, I decided to clean it up yesterday.

  1. First remove the main battery. And, remove four screws. (Fig. 1)
  2. Turn upside down. Slide and remove the palmrest assembly carefully (Fig. 2), because the other side of the palmrest has a touchpad ribbon cable (Fig. 3).
  3. Remove the keyboard panel. Carefully, because it also has a ribbon cable (Fig.3).
  4. Finally, I meet the dusty fun (Fig 4). Ha-ha.

(Fig. 4) Dusty fun
(Fig. 4) Dusty fun

   I cleaned the pc inside up. If you try the same thing, wash your hands first. If you use a vacuum cleaner or something, take precautions against static electricity!!

   After cleaning, I feel something better about the pc. It’s just my imagination??? (^_^;)

   By the way, I pasted the Google AdSense code on the left sidebar. But, it shows ADs in Japanese. How can I change it into English? My sites run on sub directory type. I have not found out “HowTo” yet.

(Fig. 1) Remove screws
(Fig. 1) Remove screws

(Fig. 2) Slide the palmrest assembly
(Fig. 2) Slide the palmrest assembly

(Fig. 3) Ribbon cables
(Fig. 3) Ribbon cables

Updating to Apache 2.4.6.


   Apache HTTP Server 2.4.6 was released, which is for reverting a broken fix for PR54948 that was applied to 2.4.5 (which was not released) and found post-2.4.5 tagging. I heard Apache HTTP Server 2.4.5 broke vhost mapping.

   I downloaded (16 Jul) from the ApacheLounge for My WindowsXP server. The new httpd.conf has the next four additional lines which are all commented.
   #LoadModule auth_form_module modules/
   #LoadModule cache_socache_module modules/
   #LoadModule macro_module modules/
   #LoadModule proxy_wstunnel_module modules/


Updating to PHP5.4.17.


Update information      Edit(Aug.3)

   At Jul-03 23:29:25UTC, they released PHP5.4.17. So, I downloaded a Thread Safe version for my server (WindowsXP SP3 (x86)).

   Acoording to the ChangeLog, it has some bug fixes.

   As php5apache2_4.dll included in the official PHP binary 5.4.10+, I extracted the zip archive and replaced all PHP5.4.15 files with all PHP5.4.16 files except my php.ini. Then, I restarted my Apache. That’s it.

   If you need how to configure PHP5.4, please see the post on my Japanese blog. Of course, it is only in Japanese and for a mbstrings user, but I think the information gives some help for you.

   By the way, they also announced PHP 5.5.0 was available. It doesn’t support WindowsXP anymore. At some point in the near future, i.e. until 2014/Apr/8, I have to reconstruct my server.

   If you need how to configure PHP5.5, please see “To create a Wamp-like Web Server in Windows7-#2“.


Updating to PHP5.4.16.

Update information      Edit(Aug.3)

   At Jun-05 22:49:25UTC, they released PHP5.4.16. So, I downloaded a Thread Safe version for my server (WindowsXP SP3 (x86)).

   Acoording to the ChangeLog, it has some bug fixes, also patches for CVE-2013-2110.

   As php5apache2_4.dll included in the official PHP binary 5.4.10+, I extracted the zip archive and replaced all PHP5.4.15 files with all PHP5.4.16 files except my php.ini. Then, I restarted my Apache. That’s it.

   If you need how to configure PHP5.4, please see the post on my Japanese blog. Of course, it is only in Japanese and for a mbstrings user, but I think the information gives some help for you.

   I’ve also updated to phpMyAdmin4.0.3.

   If you need how to configure PHP5.5, please see “To create a Wamp-like Web Server in Windows7-#2“.


NotScripts on Google Chrome.

   Recently, I have a problem with my Firefox on Windows8 PRO, NJ2100. On the Net, I found out someone had the same issue, but cannot find the resolution. I don’t understand exactly when I have the problem or not. So, I decided to change my main browser from Firefox to Google Chrome on my Win8.

   As I’ve used the plug-in ‘NoScript’ on Firefox since 2 and a half years ago, I look for the same features plug-in I can use on Google Chrome. I think the plug-in ‘NotScripts’ gives me similar features, so, I install it.

   The biggest difference between ‘NoScript’ and ‘NotScripts’ is a password. After adding ‘NotScripts’ to CHROME, you have an alert page. At the first time, you need to set your password in the file CHANGE__PASSWORD__HERE.js. The file exists in the NotScripts folder,
%userprofile%AppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser DataDefaultExtensions
After that, the plug-in is activated.


Updating to PHP5.4.15.

Update information      Edit(Aug.3)

   At May-08 22:51:34UTC, they released PHP5.4.15. However, on May-09, the news read:

   “Seriously: PHP 5.4.15 and PHP 5.3.25 really were released!”

  • We weren’t trying to pull an April Fool’s Day joke in May. A temporary glitch caused the latest distributions of PHP to not properly propagate to the mirror servers. This has been fixed at the root level, and it’s now being distributed to all of the mirrors. We’ll take some bacon to go with the egg on our faces, please!
  • If you continue to experience issues with downloading these versions after 21:00 UTC on 9 May, 2013, please drop us a line at, telling us from which mirror you’re trying to download, and we’ll get it resolved.
  • We apologize for the delays and confusion this may have caused, and thank you for using PHP.

   They have had something wrong, haven’t they? Though, I don’t know about it, I’m more interested in ‘We’ll take some bacon to go with the egg on our faces, please!’.
   What does the sentence mean exactly? Yes, I can infer the meaning of the sentence from context, though. What is some bacon in the sentence really? This is very difficult for me who is NOT an everyday-English-speaker. Someone, re-write it by using less idiomatic, please, please, please!!!

   By the way, I downloaded a Thread Safe version for my server (WindowsXP SP3(x86)).

   Acoording to the ChangeLog, it has 7 bug fixes, and upgrades libmagic to 5.14. They say “All users of PHP are encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5.4.14.”.

   As php5apache2_4.dll included in the official PHP binary 5.4.10+, I extracted the zip archive and replaced all PHP5.4.13 files with all PHP5.4.14 files except my php.ini. Then, I restarted my Apache. That’s it.

   If you need how to configure PHP5.4, please see the post on my Japanese blog. Of course, it is only in Japanese and for a mbstrings user, but I think the information gives some help for you.

   If you need how to configure PHP5.5, please see “To create a Wamp-like Web Server in Windows7-#2“.


How to create a Virtual PC in Windows7 and run CentOS6.4 on it.

   I have a Let’snote, a Panasonic product and a kind of Toughbook, as my mobile PC. Though I configured the dual-boot system of Windows7 and CentOS6, I destroyed all data on the PC before I sent it for repair. When I got it again, I decided to create a Virtual PC and run CentOS6.4 on it. This post is my remainders and I think it gives some convenient for you guys. (^o^)

   First, I create a Virtual PC in Windows7 Home Premium on CF-J10TYAHR.

  1. Download the latest VMware Player for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit(Current:ver.5.0.2) from Download VMware Player.
  2. Install VMware Player~.exe by its default.

   Second, I install CentOS6.4 on the Virtual PC.

  1. Download the latest CentOS-x.x-i386-bin-DVD1.iso(Current:ver.6.4) from CentOS Mirrors. I don’t need CentOS-x.x-i386-bin-DVD2.iso because I install it as a non-customized Desktop.
  2. Run the VMware Player from the Desktop shortcut.
  3. Select “Create a New Virtual Machine”. (Fig.01)
  4. Select “I will install the operating system later.”. (Fig.02)
    Because I cannot make any customizations if I select “Installer disc image file (iso):”.
  5. Select “Linux (L)” and “CentOS”. (Fig.03)
  6. Enter a distinguishable virtual machine name because I might create other virtual machines later (^^;), and select the location where I want to install the Virtual Machine. (Fig.04)
  7. Leave the default and click “Next”. (Fig.05)
  8. Click “Customize Hardware…”. (Fig.06-(1))
  9. Select the ISO file like CentOS-x.x-i386-bin-DVD1.iso and click “Close”. (Fig.07-(1)(2)(3))
  10. Click “Finish”. (Fig.06-(2))
  11. Play the Virtual Machine to install CentOS. (Fig.08)
  12. Select “Install or upgrade an existing system”. (Fig.09)
    At these procedures I cannot use the mouse for the guest OS, so I make Shortcut Memo for me:

    • [Ctrl+G] Go into the guest OS.
    • [Ctrl+Alt] Return to the host OS.
  13. Select “Skip”. (Fig.10)
  14. Click “Next”. (Fig.11)
  15. Select my language and click “Next”. (Fig.12)
  16. Select my keyboard and click “Next”. (Fig.13)
  17. Select “Basic Storage Devices” and click “Next”. (Fig.14)
  18. Click “Yes, discard any data”. (Fig.15)
  19. Enter a unique host name on my LAN and click “Next”. (Fig.16)
  20. Select my time zone, unchecked “System clock uses UTC” and click “Next”. (Fig.17)
  21. Set a password for the root account, then click “Next”. (Fig.18)
  22. Select “Use All Space” and click “Next”. (Fig.19)
  23. Click “Write changes to disk”. (Fig.20)
  24. Checked “Desktop” and “Customize later” and Click “Next”. (Fig.21)
  25. Click “Reboot”. (Fig.22)
  26. Click “Forward”. (Fig.23)
  27. Leave the default and click “Forward”. (Fig.24)
  28. Set Username, Full Name and Password for the User account and click “Forward”. (Fig.25)
  29. Leave the default and click “Forward”. (Fig.26)
  30. Click “OK”. (Fig.27)
  31. Leave the default and click “Finish”. (Fig.28)
  32. Click the UserName. (Fig.29)
  33. Enter the Password you set. (Fig.30)
  34. Click “Install Tools”. (Fig.31)
  35. Close the Window. (Fig.32)
  36. Open a terminal window. Log on as root.
    [centos@CentOS ~]$ su –
    Password: <<—– Enter root account password

    I need Perl to install “VMware Tools”, so I check it.
    [root@CentOS ~]# yum list installed | grep perl
    perl.i686   4:5.10.1-129.el6 @anaconda-CentOS-201303020136.i386/6.4 <<—– Already installed

    I need to know the Virtual CD-ROM device is already mounted.
    [root@CentOS ~]# mount
    /dev/sr0 on /media/VMware Tools type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev, …) <<—– Already mounted

    I check the contents of the CD to know the exact name of “VMware Tools” file.
    [root@CentOS ~]# ls /media/”VMware Tools”
    VMwareTools-9.2.3-1031360.tar.gz manifest.txt

    [root@CentOS ~]# cd /tmp <<—– move to the tmp directory

    [root@CentOS tmp]# tar zxpf /media/”VMware Tools”/VMwareTools-9.2.3-1031360.tar.gz

    [root@CentOS tmp]# ls

    [root@CentOS tmp]# ls vmware-tools-distrib
    FILES INSTALL bin doc etc installer lib

    [root@CentOS tmp]# cd vmware-tools-distrib
    [root@CentOS vmware-tools-distrib]# ./

    「The messages from」
    Creating a new VMware Tools installer database using the tar4 format.

    Installing VMware Tools.

    In which directory do you want to install the binary files? [/usr/bin]

    What is the directory that contains the init directories (rc0.d/ to rc6.d/)? [/etc/rc.d]

    What is the directory that contains the init scripts? [/etc/rc.d/init.d]

    In which directory do you want to install the daemon files? [/usr/sbin]

    In which directory do you want to install the library files? [/usr/lib/vmware-tools]

    The path “/usr/lib/vmware-tools” does not exist currently. This program is going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want? [yes]

    In which directory do you want to install the documentation files? [/usr/share/doc/vmware-tools]

    The path “/usr/share/doc/vmware-tools” does not exist currently. This program is going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want? [yes]

    The installation of VMware Tools 9.2.3 build-1031360 for Linux completed successfully. You can decide to remove this software from your system at any time by invoking the following command: “/usr/bin/”.

    Before running VMware Tools for the first time, you need to configure it by invoking the following command: “/usr/bin/”. Do you want this program to invoke the command for you now? [yes]


    /usr/bin/xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default

    Making sure services for VMware Tools are stopped.

    Stopping Thinprint services in the virtual machine:
    Stopping Virtual Printing daemon: done
    Stopping VMware Tools services in the virtual machine:
    Guest operating system daemon: [ OK ]
    Unmounting HGFS shares: [ OK ]
    Guest filesystem driver: [ OK ]

    The VMware FileSystem Sync Driver (vmsync) allows external third-party backup software that is integrated with vSphere to create backups of the virtual machine. Do you wish to enable this feature? [no]

    Found a compatible pre-built module for vmci. Installing it…

    Found a compatible pre-built module for vsock. Installing it…

    The module vmxnet3 has already been installed on this system by another installer or package and will not be modified by this installer. Use the flag
    –clobber-kernel-modules=vmxnet3 to override.

    The module pvscsi has already been installed on this system by another installer or package and will not be modified by this installer. Use the flag
    –clobber-kernel-modules=pvscsi to override.

    The module vmmemctl has already been installed on this system by another installer or package and will not be modified by this installer. Use the flag
    –clobber-kernel-modules=vmmemctl to override.

    The VMware Host-Guest Filesystem allows for shared folders between the host OS and the guest OS in a Fusion or Workstation virtual environment. Do you wish to enable this feature? [yes]
    no <<—–I change only here.

    Found a compatible pre-built module for vmhgfs. Installing it…

    Found a compatible pre-built module for vmxnet. Installing it…

    The vmblock enables dragging or copying files between host and guest in a Fusion or Workstation virtual environment. Do you wish to enable this feature? [yes]

    !!! [EXPERIMENTAL] !!!
    VMware automatic kernel modules enables automatic building and installation of VMware kernel modules at boot that are not already present. By selecting yes, you will be enabling this experimental feature. You can always disable this feature by re-running

    Would you like to enable VMware automatic kernel modules? [no]

    Thinprint provides driver-free printing. Do you wish to enable this feature? [yes]

    Disabling timer-based audio scheduling in pulseaudio.

    Detected X server version 1.13.0

    Distribution provided drivers for Xorg X server are used.

    Skipping X configuration because X drivers are not included.

    Creating a new initrd boot image for the kernel.
    Starting Virtual Printing daemon: done
    Checking acpi hot plug [ OK ]
    Starting VMware Tools services in the virtual machine:
    Switching to guest configuration: [ OK ]
    Guest vmxnet fast network device: [ OK ]
    VM communication interface: [ OK ]
    VM communication interface socket family: [ OK ]
    Guest filesystem driver: [ OK ]
    Blocking file system: [ OK ]
    Guest operating system daemon: [ OK ]
    The configuration of VMware Tools 9.2.3 build-1031360 for Linux for this running kernel completed successfully.

    You must restart your X session before any mouse or graphics changes take effect.

    You can now run VMware Tools by invoking “/usr/bin/vmware-toolbox-cmd” from the command line.

    To enable advanced X features (e.g., guest resolution fit, drag and drop, and file and text copy/paste), you will need to do one (or more) of the following:
    1. Manually start /usr/bin/vmware-user
    2. Log out and log back into your desktop session; and,
    3. Restart your X session.

    To use the vmxnet driver, restart networking using the following commands:
    /etc/init.d/network stop
    rmmod pcnet32
    rmmod vmxnet
    modprobe vmxnet
    /etc/init.d/network start


    –the VMware team
    「The end of the messages」

    [root@CentOS ~]# exit

    Close the terminal windows.

  37. Reboot CentOS.
  38. Now, I can use CentOS6.4 on my Let’snote. Some configurations I need haven’t finished yet, though.