everyday life

Seimei(晴明) from Onmyōji(陰陽師).

同一記事の日本語版 Yesterday, i.e. 2015 December 13, Hanyū Yuzuru(羽生結弦) had his third Grand Prix Final title in a row in Barcelona, Spain. For the 2015–16 season, he used a certain music called Seimei for the free skating. The music was took from the film soundtrack of Onmyōji(陰陽師). I don’t love this as free skating music very […]

everyday life

Shigeyama Sensaku IV (四世茂山千作) passed away.

   Shigeyama Sensaku IV (四世茂山千作) passed away at the age of 93. He is one of the greatest Kyōgen actors. Age 93, it’s enough to pass away, but, still very sad. I loved his Kyōgen very much. 合掌.

everyday life


   On Sep. 28, I saw Noh(能) “Adachigahara(安達原)” at the Hall nearby. At the same time, they staged Kyōgen(狂言) “Bōshibari(棒縛り)”, and Noh “Futarishizuka(二人静)” as an opening act(舞囃子). In 舞囃子, actors have no mask and perform a main part of the Noh play.    Three plays were performed in the order below. Futarishizuka(二人静) Bōshibari(棒縛り) Adachigahara(安達原)    Though I often […]