They released PHP5.5.12 on Apr-30 21:11:32UTC. So, I updated my PHP from 5.5.11 to 5.5.12 yesterday.
According to ChangeLog, this includes the fix for CVE-2014-0185. At this time, its Description is still ** RESERVED ** on the page but it is related with PHP-FPM and I think it was first reported by Christian Hoffmann. You can find its detail at php-fpm: privilege escalation due to insecure default config. Otherwise php5embed.lib comes back.
The php.ini-production has two small changes about the comment lines. As the official PHP binary includes php5apache2_4.dll, I extract the zip archive and replace all PHP5.5.11 files with all PHP5.5.12 files except my php.ini. Then, I restart my Apache. That’s it.
If you need how to configure PHP5.5, please see the post. It is for a mbstrings user, but the information gives some help for you.