
WordPress Theme “Sugar and Spice”.

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   I changed the theme of my sites to “Sugar and Spice“. I made three child themes for my site except my netradi.

   There are a lot of things which need work, but I already get bored. So, the rest I do at a later date. (^^;)

   This was too shoddy article. I make some addition for my reminder.

   The reason for changing my Themes is I want to use the new features of Themes, about which I wrote on “Upgrading to WordPress 3.6.“. There is also the maintenance and the security of my sites. Besides, I want to support HTML5. Oh yes, about AdSense (He-he).

   The theme “Sugar and Spice” has ‘custom-menu’, ‘responsive-layout’, ‘theme-options’ as its major features. Nowadays, my sites has more accesses via smartphones, so the ‘responsive-layout’ is what I want to use.

   Though I considered revising my old themes before deciding to select a new theme, it seemed to take enormous time because each site had each theme and the themes made by myself. And, a lack of my knowledge about WordPress Theme (^^;). Besides, I’ve learned about “Child Theme” of WordPress Theme since I began WordPress blogs. So, at my new Theme I don’t make any changes on the parent Theme, I use the child Theme features for this purpose.

   WordPress has a huge number of Themes as you know. It is very difficult to choose a Theme from among them. So, I decided the range was only “Featured Themes“. I think the Theme among them maybe has new features and decent supports. I was tired and bored about this, finally, I settled for “Sugar and Spice“.

   I made a style.css for the child Theme. It includes the next customizations.
body {
color: #000;
/* Typography */
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
color: #000;
/* Calendar Widget */
table th,
table td{
color: #000;
border: none;
text-align: left;

   The most struggling thing is the change of the original color of the Color scheme in the Theme Options. This original script is not in the style.css but in sugar-and-spice/inc/extras.php. Various new techniques appear, but an amateur like me is not following them (Sigh!).

   With this revision, I stopped the use of “One Row Calendar” and “My Link Order”. I’ve use them for a long time. I thanked the authors of both plugins m(_”_)m.


  • **About style.css customization
    • ****For displaying table’s background image
      /* Calendar Widget */
      table th,
      table td{
      color: #000;
      background: transparent;
         <--- I added this line. border: none;
      text-align: left;
    • ****For darker comment form font color
      /* #Forms */
      select {
      color: #000;

      textarea:focus {
      color: #000;

      label span,
      legend span {
      color: #000;

   I created my own WOFF file for “Sugar and Spice” child Theme.
     To create a WOFF file from my own handwriting-#1.
     To create a WOFF file from my own handwriting-#2.
     To create a WOFF file from my own handwriting-#3.

2 replies on “WordPress Theme “Sugar and Spice”.”

Hi, Estara.

I’m glad to hear that.

One of my Japanese blog visitors told me the font color was too light when he wrote a comment, so I changed it darker because I had forgot it to customized when changing the Theme original font color darker.

If you find something, tell me about them like him.

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