php script

A php error.

Yesterday, I changed my php version up from 5.2.12 to 5.3.1. Then, I have an error on apache err. log.

It says “PHP Warning:  date(): It is not safe to rely on the system’s timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function.”

They say new php specification requires more strict definition. So, I added a line that “date.timezone = (string $timezone_identifier)”.

Mmm…It’s too much of a bother.

   New version “php5.3” doesn’t have a line “#extension=php_mcrypt.dll
” in the file “php.ini” and two files “libmysql.dll, libmcrypt.dll” in the folder “PHP”.
   I think libmysql.dll —> php_mysqli.dll, and some dlls are united into the folder “PHP\ext”.
   I deleted three files “libmysql.dll, libmcrypt.dll and php_gd2.dll” from “windows sys32”.

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