Hehe, it’s been almost a year since my last post.
I received a notification email from Netowl on 2021 Sep.2. It said, “the services 『ウェブクロウ』 and 『フリー WP』 will be terminated at noon on 2022 Mar.31.” I was wondering the services would not continue from quite before, because they didn’t update PHP from 7.1.2 to newer.
Well, they say the deadline for accessing my WordPress source files and database is at noon on 2022.9.30. As I have o6asan’s BBS on 『ウェブクロウ』 and my old Perl’s posts on 『フリー WP』, I should do something for fixing them.
I tried a bit of this and that, in the end I decided to use the PHP/MySQL supported plan on 『 スターサーバーフリー』.
Easy installation by the PHP/MySQL supported plan on 『スターサーバーフリー』.
They offer an easy installation of WordPress by the server management tool, so I use it first.
It seems that the easy installation will do what is explained in the URL below. I installed it in the blog directory created under root.
Ref URL : https://wordpress.org/support/article/how-to-install-wordpress/
When you access the dashboard, you will have a instruction if you want to hide /blog directory from the site URL, so do it before converting to NetWork.
Also reconfirm the permalink settings at the same time.
So, the URL of new o6asan’s BBS is http://o6asanforum2.starfree.jp/en/. The PHP version becomes 7.4.25 and 8.0.x is also possible, but the free server does not support https this time either.
I think it’s easy to hide the WordPress dedicated directory from the URL, but I’ll just give the following URL for you.
Ref URL : https://wordpress.org/support/article/giving-wordpress-its-own-directory/#method-ii-with-url-change
Make it NetWork for a multi-site WordPress.
Step1 If you want to hide your WordPress dedicated directory from the URL, confirm the above changes before making it NetWork.
Step2 Access wp-config.php by FTP tool (WebFTP is offered by the server management tools of 『スターサーバーフリー』). Add the following lines to the specified position and save the overwriting.
/* Multisite */ define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );
Refresh the browser.
Step3 Go to “Create A Network” of Tools in the dashboard admin bar. Check the displayed contents and install.
I feIt troublesome of cecking 『スターサーバーフリー』 server settings, so I decide to go with the sub-directories type this time again. Because the previous free service was okay there, so I took easy path.
Step4 Use WebFTP. Edit and save wp-config.php and .htaccess in the root directory as instructed. Follow the login link of the displayed page on the browser, and log in again.
When overwriting, replace the displayed code with the code between # BEGIN WordPress and # END WordPress in .htaccess.
If you make a mistake in this edit, you might get “too many redirects”. In my case, as I had this message and could not access the dashboard after adding another site, I was very confused.
Step5 Add o6asan’s BBS of English.
I forgot to say. Keep both sites private during this work.
Network actibate Akismet.
Activate Akismet plugin on your network from Site Network Management. After that, go to Akismet settings from the plugin settings of each site and enable it. In my case, I have an API key that I have been using for some time, so I used it to activate.
I made a box. Now, I’m ready.