
How to use Ajax Edit Comments v5.0.7.0

Update  Edit(Feb.7)  Edit2(2013.Jan.12)

   Today, I made it. Thanks juneさん.

   Now I’m going to talk about ‘How to use Ajax Edit Comments v5.0.7.0’. 🙂

  1. Install Ajax Edit Comments v5.0.7.0. But, when you finish installing it, you never activate it immediately.
  2. Access your server by FTP client software.
  3. Make directory ‘aec’ under /wp-content/uploads and change its permission to ‘707’ or ‘777’.
  4. Activate the plugin from your Dashboard.
    You need 7 files in your ‘aec’ directory, admin.js, edit-comments.css, ajax-edit-comments.js, comment-editor.css, frontend.js, popups.js and index.php. At this point, only two files exist there, admin.js and edit-comments.css.
    When you click ‘Update Settigs’ bottun on the AEC setting page, other 4 files are created.
    About index.php you have to make it manually, and write in it   ‘<?php // Silence is golden.’.
  5. About 6 files are created automatically, their owner is server and they are unwritable. If you use shell or something, change owner and permission by it.
  6. If you can’t use such tools, follow the next steps.
  7. Access your server by FTP client software.
  8. Download directory ‘aec’ and remove it.
  9. Remake directory ‘aec’ under /wp-content/uploads and change its permission to ‘707’ or ‘777’.
  10. Reupload 6 files, admin.js, edit-comments.css, ajax-edit-comments.js, comment-editor.css, frontend.js, popups.js and change their permission to ‘606’ or ‘666’.
    Upload index.php to directory ‘aec’.

   That’s it. Good luck. ;-P

   We still have two errors, ‘Stack overflow at line: 2’ from IE8 and ‘too much recursion’ from FireFox 9.0.1. But the plugin works in a sort.

   I almost forgot to write. When you try other versions, you’d better clear your browser cache. Or, you don’t get new effects well.

   NOTE) When you change the permission of directory/file, you may need some minutes to take effect.

   I think v5.0.7.0.’s trouble has roots in owner and permission of the directory ‘aec’. Why do I think so? Because, on my own server, whose OS is WindowsXp Professional Sp3, the plugin works. As we know, WindowsXp server has poor owner and permission managements. And most people say the older version works and it does not have the directory ‘aec’.

   At any rate, v5.0.7.0. is not a WordPress plugin, I think. A WordPress plugin is easy to install and easy to activate. Soon you can use it. That’s a WordPress plugin.

   I sent an email about this to the support team the day before yesterday. I’ve not had a reply yet. I wonder I’ll have a good news. I hope so. I love this plugin. If I give up it, it’s a shame for it.

   Also, both older and new version have an error, ‘Stack overflow at line: 2’ from IE and ‘too much recursion’ from FireFox. Most of people are unaware of it in normal use. But it’s for real. It is probably from some JavaScript codes, I want to fix it if they can.

   Ver. has been released today. I think you can install and use it easily.

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