
Memorandum #18.

同一記事の日本語版    Recently I updated some server apps. Update information      Edit(Jul.21) From ActivePerl- to ActivePerl- Last time I installed ActivePerl- But now…

8 years ago

Memorandum #17.

同一記事の日本語版    Steffen released a new version of Apache 2.4.20 which was built with OpenSSL 1.0.2h on May 4, so I…

9 years ago

The Web Server Nightmare Before H2PushPriority.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Jun.18)    Actually, Cygwin has libev and nghttp2 packages now. So, you can use h2load and nghttp features even…

9 years ago

Memorandum #16.

同一記事の日本語版    Steffen released a new version of Apache 2.4.18 which was built with OpenSSL 1.0.2f on February 11, so I…

9 years ago

Memorandum #15.

同一記事の日本語版    As PHP7.0.3 was released, I updated to it the day before yesterday. Here is ChangeLog. My server OS is…

9 years ago

Building h2load on Cygwin.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(2016.Jan.4)   Edit2(Feb.7)   Edit3(Jun.18)    Actually, Cygwin has libev and nghttp2 packages now. So, you can use h2load feature even if you…

9 years ago

Moving my WordPress to HTTPS for supporting HTTP/2-#3.

同一記事の日本語版    Continued from this post. As I finished preparing for supporting HTTP/2, I re-edited my httpd.conf and httpd-ssl.conf.      On…

9 years ago

Moving my WordPress to HTTPS for supporting HTTP/2-#1.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Nov.2)  Edit2(Nov.6)  Edit3(2017.Jun.206)    They released Apache 2.4.17 on Oct 13 and Steffen released the same version at ApacheLounge on Oct…

9 years ago

Updating Apache because of CVE-2015-1793.

同一記事の日本語版    I updated my Apache 2.4.12(httpd-2.4.12-win32-VC14.zip) to 2015 Jul 9 version because of Alternative chains certificate forgery (CVE-2015-1793).    It is…

9 years ago

Updating to Apache 2.4.12.

同一記事の日本語版    Apache HTTP Server 2.4.12 was released. It includes four security patches for CVE-2014-3583, CVE-2014-3581, CVE-2014-8109 and CVE-2013-5704. In the…

10 years ago

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