
Some of the machines have been compromised, really??

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit    Edit(Oct.2)    Just before noon, I noticed I could not reach and the PHP 5.6.1 Zip was withdrawn…

10 years ago

Updating to PHP5.6.1.

同一記事の日本語版    They released PHP5.6.1 Windows version on Sep-25 06:28:30UTC. Recently, Windows versions release earlier than other versions. So, I updated…

10 years ago

Migrating from PHP 5.5.16 to PHP 5.6.0 on Windows.

同一記事の日本語版    They released PHP5.6.0 on Aug-27 21:52:22. Actually, it was about half a day earlier than the release on,…

10 years ago

Memorandum #6.

同一記事の日本語版    I don't know why but I'm very tired. I jot down for my memory.    My server OS is Windows7…

10 years ago

Memorandum #5.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Aug.28) I found their announcement of PHP 5.6.0 GA on the article about RC4, wow! I can't wait.…

10 years ago

Microsoft Security Advisory 2915720-#2

同一記事の日本語版    Do you remember my post "Microsoft Security Advisory 2915720 ???"? Now August 12 is approaching, so I wonder how…

10 years ago

Updating to PHP5.5.15.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Aug.1)    They released PHP5.5.15 on Jul-24 01:03:48UTC. So, I updated my PHP from 5.5.14 to 5.5.15 on my…

10 years ago

phpMyAdmin Configuration storage.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Jul.5)    Edit2(Jul.9)    phpMyAdmin has an infrastructure named Configuration storage since version 3.4.2. Logging in phpMyAdmin at the first time,…

11 years ago

How to see MySQL server status by phpMyAdmin.

同一記事の日本語版 Fig.01 Status Monitor    The topic "How to see MySQL log by phpMyAdmin" came up on TODOS・何でも情報交換(Japanese). I checked out…

11 years ago

Updating to PHP5.5.14.

同一記事の日本語版    They released PHP5.5.14 on Jun-25 23:06:26UTC. So, I updated my PHP from 5.5.13 to 5.5.14 on my Web server…

11 years ago

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