First, I backed up all the sever data.
Next, I made a maintenance.html like the right, and for maintenance I added the next lines to the head of my .htaccess at the Document Root. The text in it is like the below. (refer to: mod_rewrite, <IfModule>)
ErrorDocument 503 /maintenance.html
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/maintenance.html
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !=IP address for Admin
RewriteRule ^.*$ – [R=503,L]
Header set Retry-After “Wed, 18 Dec 2013 01:00:00 GMT”
On the page, I found “This section should only be used if you need to have one configuration file that works whether or not a specific module is available. In normal operation, directives need not be placed in <IfModule> sections.”. So, I thought I did not need <IfModule> sections.
Then, I announced the server maintenance on my sites and began moving to MariaDB5.5.
I had a clean installation of MariaDB because I wanted to change my sql engine from MyISAM to InnoDB. When I started using MySQL, I made the tables by MyISAM. Recently, I heard about InnoDB merits several times. So I always wanted to move to InnoDB, but I also found someone was in troubles on moving to it on the Internet. Hence I have hesitated to make a move because I can NOT handle them if something wrong happens despite my poor knowledge about the sql.
MariaDB has InnoDB as its default. So I was going to recreate all my tables on this occasion if necessary.
Step1 The uninstallation of MySQL.
Step2 The installation of MariaDB.
Run a cmd.exe as an Administrator.
> cd Drive_SV:MariaDBbin
> mysql_install_db.exe –datadir=Drive_SV:MyDB –service=MyDB –password=secret
By this, I was able to set the password for the root user and had a new my.ini in the MyDB.
Step3 Access MariaDB via phpMyAdmin.
Import by WordPress Importer and I gave it up. The reason is the below.
After a new WordPress installation, I imported all contents by WordPress Importer. But unfortunately, I found the fact that the plugin neglected some tags like <object>, it was inconvenient for me. I don’t know it neglects what kind tags and to examine them by myself is too much trouble. Therefore, I gave up this method.
Step4 Restored all WordPress database via phpMyAdmin.
The backup file was originally MyISAM, so it includes FULLTEXT indexes. Actually it uses by YARPP as keys of post_title and post_content. Hummm. But on the forum the plugin author says we can use YARPP on the InnoDB though its performance slows down.
I removed all lines about FULLTEXT indexes in the file. (I remember I heard we can use FULLTEXT with InnoDB on MySQL5.6.–Dec.25Edit)
Imported the customized file. I had another error.
#1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax;
This error was my fault. When I removed FULLTEXT indexes I forgot to remove a “,” like this.
KEY `post_author` (`post_author`), <<--------This is the ',' I forgot to remove.
I removed all such ','s.
Imported the customized file. Complete.
Step5 Back to normal condition.
Change .htaccess text to end the maintenance.
Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: site_inaccessible
Error Details: The Jetpack server was unable to communicate with your site https://MySITE
[IXR -32300: transport error: http_request_failed SSL certificate problem: self signed
certificate in certificate chain]
But I think this is not the maintenance faults. Now I am waiting for a reply on the Jetpack forum.
Now I use MariaDB5.5. Clap, clap.
After I changed SQL Storage Engine from MyISAM to InnoDB, the plugin YARPP performance slowed down very much. It was more than my expecting. So, I decided to rollback the Engine about the table wp_posts by YARPP instruction message.
But YARPP didn’t recognize this change, though the author have a specialized feature for this. I went to the YARPP support forum to find a solution. I found MyISAM Override check doesn’t work. I followed hussong‘s instructions.
SELECT * FROM `wp_options` WHERE option_name LIKE "yarpp%"
yarpp_fulltext_disabled = 1
. Change it to yarpp_fulltext_disabled = 0
Now, I can use Titles and Bodies consider options. Happy!
I wrote “About Jetpack trouble“.
I wrote an article The solution of “SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure” on WordPress.
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