
Have GWX showed up on your PCs yet?

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Jun.11)    Hey guys! Have GWX (Get Windows 10) showed up on your PCs yet? I have a Windows…

10 years ago

Memorandum #5.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Aug.28) I found their announcement of PHP 5.6.0 GA on the article about RC4, wow! I can't wait.…

10 years ago

After all, I’ve updated to Windows8.1 Pro(x86) on the NJ2100.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit    Edit2(Jun.23)    Edit3(Jul.7)    Edit4(Jul.24)    In my previous post, I wrote "Tried Windows8.1 Pro on the laptop PC (NJ2100), and failed". But…

11 years ago

Tried Windows8.1 Pro on the laptop PC (NJ2100), and failed.

同一記事の日本語版    Yesterday, I changed my OS from Windows8 Pro to Windows8.1 Pro on NJ2100. By the way, NJ2100 is an…

11 years ago

NotScripts on Google Chrome.

   Recently, I have a problem with my Firefox on Windows8 PRO, NJ2100. On the Net, I found out someone had…

12 years ago

A clean install of Windows8.

Update information      Edit(Dec.26)   Edit2(Dec.28)    Yesterday, I finally had a windows8 upgrade DVD package.    After this, I made an additional order of the…

12 years ago

Upgrading from WinVista to Win8 Pro.

Update information      Edit(Dec.8)    Edit2(Dec.9)    Edit3(Dec.15)    Edit4(Dec.28)    On Dec. 5th, as Windows8 has quite a reputation, I decided to upgrade my laptop OS from WindowsXP…

12 years ago

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