
Apache: Use mod_deflate.

同一記事の日本語版    Yesterday, I changed several settings in Apache conf file.    Open the httpd.conf. Uncomment the line to use the module…

11 years ago

An access control after such a long time-#2.

同一記事の日本語版    About seven months ago, I made an Apache extra conf file "access-denied.conf" like this. Today, I've modified it to…

11 years ago

To create a Wamp-like Web Server in Windows7-#1.

Update information      Edit(Aug.11) 同一記事の日本語版    Yesterday, I had the PC which was installed Windows7HP+SP1(x86) as I wrote the article. It is good…

12 years ago

An access control after such a long time.

   Today, I set an access control for my wp-login.php after such a long time. The reason why I want the…

12 years ago

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