
A self-sighed certificate with SANs and SHA256 by OpenSSL.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Oct.28)    When I tested my SSL server by "Qualys SSL Labs - Projects / SSL Server Test" for…

10 years ago

Memorandum #7.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Oct.18)    Did you already handle "POODLE" issue, i.e. CVE-2014-3566? OpenSSL Security Advisory [15 Oct 2014] is also related…

10 years ago

Memorandum #5.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Aug.28) I found their announcement of PHP 5.6.0 GA on the article about RC4, wow! I can't wait.…

10 years ago

Updating to Apache 2.4.10.

同一記事の日本語版    Apache HTTP Server 2.4.10 was released. It includes five security patches. It has a new module named mod_authnz_fcgi, so…

10 years ago

Updating Apache because of OpenSSL Security Advisory [05 Jun].

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Jun.9)    I updated my Apache 2.4.9 to 2014 5 Jun version because of OpenSSL Security Advisory [05 Jun]..…

11 years ago

Updating Apache because of CVE-2014-0160.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(May.13)    I updated my Apache 2.4.9 to 2014 Apr 8 version because of CVE-2014-0160.    It is built with…

11 years ago

Updating to Apache 2.4.9.

同一記事の日本語版    Apache HTTP Server 2.4.9 was released, and they did not release 2.4.8 because of an issue about OpenSSL area.…

11 years ago

Updating to AWStats7.3.

同一記事の日本語版    I updated AWStats from 7.2 to 7.3. See ChangeLog and current features. Wow! Downloaded awstats-7.3.zip for my server (Windows7HP…

11 years ago


同一記事の日本語版    I watched "さくらのVPSに来る悪い人を観察する その2" and "SSH ハニーポットでの悪い人の観察", then rolled on the floor, laughing. I first found this on "徳丸浩の日記"…

11 years ago

Updating to Apache 2.4.7.

同一記事の日本語版    Apache HTTP Server 2.4.7 was released, and I think I found something good on Steffen's post Apache 2.4.7 available.…

11 years ago

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