
How to connect to MariaDB secure server from phpMyAdmin and WordPress.

同一記事の日本語版    After "MariaDB with Secure Connections.", my SQL server has Secure Connections. Now I have to add some options to…

7 years ago

MariaDB with Secure Connections.

同一記事の日本語版    These days, I was working hard about using MariaDB with Secure Connections. First, I did SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_ssl';…

7 years ago

A very beginner for Visual C++ with CMake.

同一記事の日本語版    Yesterday, I installed Visual Studio Community 2017 for learning Visual C++ with CMake. Why did I decide to learn…

7 years ago

Search Console gave me “Security issues” again.

同一記事の日本語版    Last night, I found Search Console gave me "Security issues(1)(2)(3)" again, when I logged on its HOME. This was…

8 years ago

Jetpack gives a good thing but it is too much for me.

同一記事の日本語版    I found a link that is something like "hxxps://i2.wp.com/test.o6asan.com/img/xxxxx.jpg?ssl=1" on the WordPress access log. I went to the page…

8 years ago

Fireflies in my garden (2017).

同一記事の日本語版    Last time, I took this in 2014. My skill has no improvement from it. He-he-he.

8 years ago

Moving to MariaDB10.2.

同一記事の日本語版    Yesterday, くりくりさん told me MariaDB 10.2 became GA by his tweet. So I moved to MariaDB 10.2.6 last night.…

8 years ago

I updated CF-J10 and NJ2100 to Redstone2.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Jun.13)    On May 10, I updated CF-J10 and NJ2100 to Redstone2 manually. 'manually' means I accessed Download Windows…

8 years ago

Doing CHACHA and Brotli with Apache 2.4 on Windows.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(May 2)    Last October, I wrote "CHACHA20 Apache official version already supports but Apache Lounge version 2.4.23, which…

8 years ago

Today’s bird – 35 photos of Black Kite.

同一記事の日本語版    Sometimes, I've seen a black kite from the car window while driving. So I always wanted to take its…

8 years ago

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