
Memorandum #13.

同一記事の日本語版    Being too busy with writing HTTP/2, I'll also write about it, which is I moved to MariaDB 10.1.8. Not…

9 years ago

Moving my WordPress to HTTPS for supporting HTTP/2-#2.

同一記事の日本語版    Continued from this post. As I use Sub-directory type of WordPress multisite network, the steps of moving entire WordPress…

9 years ago

Nochi no tsuki (後の月) 2015

同一記事の日本語版    Tonight is Nochi no tsuki (後の月). I took pictures of the Moon. At Sep. 27, I mean at Otsukimi…

9 years ago

Moving my WordPress to HTTPS for supporting HTTP/2-#1.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Nov.2)  Edit2(Nov.6)  Edit3(2017.Jun.206)    They released Apache 2.4.17 on Oct 13 and Steffen released the same version at ApacheLounge on Oct…

9 years ago

Today’s bird – 8 photos of Shijūkara.

同一記事の日本語版    I posted a Shijūkara's photo once, which was Spring. Today, I saw a bevy of Shijūkara on the ume(梅)…

9 years ago

phpMyAdmin 4.5.0 is released.

同一記事の日本語版    They released phpMyAdmin on September 23, on September 24 and on September 25. What new releases…

9 years ago

Removing a broken display from a laptop PC.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Sep.25)    One of my friends gave me a dynabook(N510/04BW) whose display was broken. When she went near dropping…

9 years ago

Typhoon Goni has passed through my town.

同一記事の日本語版    Typhoon Goni has passed through my town. It left terrible wind and rain results in my garden. But, totally…

10 years ago

WordPress4.3 has come.

同一記事の日本語版    Obon was over. This year, we, I mean my mother’s side of the family, had a party on Aug.…

10 years ago

Some customization about Windows10.

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Nov.27)  Edit2(2016.Aug.10)  Edit3(2017.Jun.13)    After installing Windows10, SearchUI.exe accesses the Internet frequently. I find it annoying and don't need it. I…

10 years ago

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