Nosaka Akiyuki(野坂昭如) passed away at the age of 85 on 2015 December 9. I think you know him as an…
同一記事の日本語版 Yesterday, JAXA confirmed that "Hayabusa2" is cruising on Ryugu after measuring and calculating the post-Earth-swing-by orbit. (more…) "Hayabusa2 Earth…
同一記事の日本語版 Yesterday, i.e. 2015 December 13, Hanyū Yuzuru(羽生結弦) had his third Grand Prix Final title in a row in Barcelona,…
同一記事の日本語版 WordPress4.4 has new features called 'Embed Everything'. Actually it means that WordPress becomes an oEmbed provider, Wow! So we…
同一記事の日本語版 Congratulations, Akatsuki!! ☝ I use one of new features of WordPress4.4. I pasted '' only to the line…
同一記事の日本語版 This morning, WordPress4.4 came. I backed up my site data because this WordPress is a major upgrade. (more…) "WordPress4.4…
同一記事の日本語版 Finally, PHP7.0.0 was released. Congrats and thanks, PHP developers!! Windows version appeared on around 21:00 UTC of December…
同一記事の日本語版 Update information Edit(Nov.28) Edit2(2016.Aug.10) Windows10 1511 was sneaking into my CF-J10 during last night because it was a normal Windows Update…
同一記事の日本語版 Update information Edit(2016.Jan.4) Edit2(Feb.7) Edit3(Jun.18) Actually, Cygwin has libev and nghttp2 packages now. So, you can use h2load feature even if you…
同一記事の日本語版 Continued from this post. As I finished preparing for supporting HTTP/2, I re-edited my httpd.conf and httpd-ssl.conf. On…
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