To create a Wamp-like Web Server in Windows7-#1.

12 years ago

Update information      Edit(Aug.11) 同一記事の日本語版    Yesterday, I had the PC which was installed Windows7HP+SP1(x86) as I wrote the article. It is good…

Upgrading from WinXpPro+SP3(x86) to Win7HP+SP1(x86).

12 years ago

同一記事の日本語版    On 2014.Apr.8, Extended Support of Windows XP support ends completely, so I planed to change my server OS to…

Updating to Apache 2.4.6.

12 years ago

同一記事の日本語版    Apache HTTP Server 2.4.6 was released, which is for reverting a broken fix for PR54948 that was applied to…

The Eccentric Family(有頂天家族)

12 years ago

   Today, I found Ep.1 of this anime on Gyao. Though Gyao has only Ep.1 as a free content, I can…

The translation “Seijō no Ran (青条の蘭)”-#2.

12 years ago

   I've posted a part of Chapter 1, "Seijō no Ran (青条の蘭)".    Every time when I translate the story, some Japanese…

Updating to PHP5.4.17.

12 years ago

同一記事の日本語版 Update information      Edit(Aug.3)    At Jul-03 23:29:25UTC, they released PHP5.4.17. So, I downloaded a Thread Safe version for my server…

I’ve released the first part of the translation “Seijō no Ran”.

12 years ago

   On July 1st, I started to translate a story again, despite the difficulties. (^_^;)(^_^;)    So, today, I've released the first…

Memorandum #3.

12 years ago

同一記事の日本語版    To make room at my navigation bar of o6asan's Web Site, I did the next things. Open my header.php…

“Seijō no Ran (青条の蘭)” and “Fūshin (風信)”

12 years ago

   The day before yesterday I finally had the book 「丕緒の鳥」, and got to the end on the same day. "Seijō…

Another information about ~-#6.

12 years ago

   I added a new translation to "The translation of Juuni kokuki newsletter by Shinchōsha"    By the way, on 26th, the…

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