同一記事の日本語版 They released PHP5.5.11 on Apr-03 06:21:19UTC. According to ChangeLog, this includes the fix for CVE-2013-7345. The php.ini-production has nothing…
Do you have had a chance to eat wakegi(分葱)? Wakegi is one of spring vegetables in Japan. A kind of…
I added the new links to the post "You can look inside!".
同一記事の日本語版 The declaration of flowering(開花宣言). For what? Of course, about cherry blossoms at my garden he-he-he. I'll show you the…
同一記事の日本語版 Apache HTTP Server 2.4.9 was released, and they did not release 2.4.8 because of an issue about OpenSSL area.…
同一記事の日本語版 Update information Edit(Apr.7) I have an FMVH70K7V and I got it as one of my uncle belongings. I used the…
同一記事の日本語版 Today, I updated to MariaDB 5.5.36 on Windows7HP+SP1(x86). Here is its Changelog. First, I backed up all the sever…
同一記事の日本語版 Though I forgot to write because of hooked on WOFF, I updated to PHP5.5.10 on Mar. 10. According to…
同一記事の日本語版 Update information Edit(Jul.17) Continued from "To create a WOFF file from my own handwriting-#2.". Now, I have the ttf file(Untitled1.ttf)…
同一記事の日本語版 Update information Edit(Jul.17) Continued from "To create a WOFF file from my own handwriting-#1.". Now, I can use FontForge. By…
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